Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to get the most from your public relations budget

Absolutely you should get the most from your public relations budget - but today Morgan PR is talking about The Budget - the one that the media are in a lather about and hunting for businesses and professionals to react to the Chancellor's announcements.

So what are you talking about? How does it impact on your business in Newbury? Or West Berkshire? Anywhere in the UK? The Budget will have a mighty impact and if you can articulate that to your local media they will listen and busily promote your business as they report your views.

So whether it has helped your business or caused harm - or perhaps it has ignored your plight entirely, you have a terrific public relations opportunity sitting in your lap - but you have to act fast. The half-life of this story fades away very quickly and beyond today that chances will be thin on the ground.

So, just take a moment and jot down the key way the budget impacts on your business. Next write down three key points you would make about this impact. Say them out loud and try them out on a colleague - do you sound authorative? Angry? Inspired? Decide your 'motivation'!

Next, call your local paper and local BBC and independent radio stations and ask to speak to the reporter covering the budget - and tell them your key points. Try to stick to them lest they report an aside you make or something less relevant.

Then contact Morgan PR and let us know how successful you have been! Good luck!

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