Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Feeling the fear and doing it anyway

I was first introduced to Susan Jeffer's brilliant book "Feel the fear and do it anyway" last year on a development course. It has proved very useful to me, full of wise advise advice and a push to action. It is largely responsible for me making the leap from paid employment to running Morgan PR with Nigel (that and the sage advise and guidance of ActionCoach Sally Rainbow-Ockwell)

As an avid fan, I subscribe to Susan's newsletters and it was these that advised me of the teleconference Susan was holding this evening. After listening to Susan talk about life and her experiences, there was an opportunity for those of us listening to ask questions. Feeling no small amount of fear, but determined to do it anyway, I decided to ask Susan's advice on parenting. Her kind, funny response just confirmed to me that she deserves all the plaudits she receives.

So for anyone looking for genuine, realistic advice, gained through experience, Susan's books would certainly earn their place on your bookshelf.

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