Monday, July 02, 2007

Time Management Advice

Regular readers will recall how much I enthused about Mike Jones and his Personal Productivity Systems in a blog entry back in May and his rather wonderful USP of ongoing support - after all, how often do you attend a course where the provider arranges to see you in a few months to see how you are getting on.

Well earlier today we met up to review how I am getting along - well I'm doing rather splendidly, not least because of the valuable lesson I learned about not over scheduling my time. In a nutshell it is about assuming you will be interrupted and allowing for that to take place.

To be fair, there is a bit more to it than that, and that was were Mike Jones was offering more help - and back to that USP - all this and future support is included in the original, and very reasonable, price of the course.

Now we have already scheduled another review for 10 weeks time to explore how well I have progressed in adopting the principles and processes behind the Personal Productivity Systems.

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