Friday, October 05, 2007

Newbury Business Group - Breakfast with Insults

Friday means breakfast with the Newbury Business Group - and that was a sparky affair this fine morning.

The dynamic nature of putting such strong business characters in a room together with fresh coffee and a seemingly universally mischievous sense of humour can make this premier networking session entertaining in the extreme.

Think of it as Breakfast with insults!

But good natured. Today we had quite a few guests with us - all of whom were spared any of the ribbing - and several said they would be coming back too! If only for the entertainment.

If any of my regular readers would like to join us for a cooked breakfast (I think there is fresh fruit too) at the Donnington Valley Golf Club on a Friday morning - and have the chance to pitch to a room brimming with some of the most enthusiastic business people in West Berkshire

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